Birth Families

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Family Connects NJ can help you give your family the best possible start.

The first weeks of life are critical for a newborn’s health and development. It can also be a time of change for moms and dads as they adjust to their child’s unique needs and recover from child birth. A visit from a specially trained nurse during this time can bring great comfort – whether you are first-time parents or a growing family.

Here are a few of the many ways our nurses can help:

  • Developing positive sleeping and feeding habits
  • Screening for health issues that could otherwise be overlooked
  • Pointing new parents to a variety of helpful resources
  • Connecting families to community support and resources when experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, or other types of emotional distress

Click to view 90-Second Explainer in Spanish

Supporting the wellbeing of every family, at no cost.

We understand that all families require support when navigating the arrival of a new baby at home. We want to make sure this special benefit reaches all New Jersey families. That’s why Family Connects NJ offers a free and voluntary nurse to visit any family within two weeks after birth.

Signing up is easy and requires no verification of income, insurance, or immigration status!

Family Connects NJ can help you give your family the best possible start.

The first weeks of life are critical for a newborn’s health and development. It can also be a time of change for moms and dads as they adjust to their child’s unique needs and recover from child birth. A visit from a specially trained nurse during this time can bring great comfort – whether you are first-time parents or a growing family.

Here are a few of the many ways our nurses can help:

  • Developing positive sleeping and feeding habits
  • Screening for health issues that could otherwise be overlooked
  • Pointing new parents to a variety of helpful resources
  • Connecting families to community support and resources when experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, or other types of emotional distress

Click to view 90-Second Explainer in Spanish

Supporting the wellbeing of every family, at no cost.

We understand that all families require support when navigating the arrival of a new baby at home. We want to make sure this special benefit reaches all New Jersey families. That’s why Family Connects NJ offers a free and voluntary nurse to visit any family within two weeks after birth.

Signing up is easy and requires no verification of income, insurance, or immigration status!